Genemed Synthesis Inc. can synthesize peptide derivatives with p-boronophenylalanine, a phenylalanine structure containing Boron. This molecule is used for Boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT). p-boronophenylalanine is the most successful drug in clinical neutron capture therapy (1); because of the amino acid transport channel called LAT1 that is used by the cells to transport p-boronophenylalanine. LAT1 recognizes the phenylalanine structure which is overexpressed by cancer cells (2,3). The efficiency and efficacy of this method are found to increase if combined with Poly-vinyl alcohol (4). If you want to order a p-boronophenylalanine derivative, please go to our peptide quote request form and send it to us.
1.Y. Mishima, C. Honda, M. Ichihashi, H. Obara, J. Hiratsuka, H. Fukuda, H. Karashima, T. Kobayashi, K. Kanda, K. Yoshino, Treatment of malignant-melanoma by single thermal-neutron capture therapy with melanoma-seeking 10B-compound. Lancet 2, 388–389 (1989).
2. A. Wittig, W. A. Sauerwein, J. A. Coderre, Mechanisms of transport of p-borono-phenylalanine through the cell membrane in vitro. Radiat. Res. 153, 173–180 (2000).
3. P. Wongthai, K. Hagiwara, Y. Miyoshi, P. Wiriyasermkul, L. Wei, R. Ohgaki, I. Kato, K. Hamase, S. Nagamori, Y. Kanai, Boronophenylalanine, a boron delivery agent for boron neutron capture therapy, is transported by ATB0,+, LAT1 and LAT2. Cancer Sci. 106, 279–286 (2015).
4. T. Nomoto, Y. Inoue, Y. Yao, M. Suzuki, K. Kanamori, H. Takemoto, M. Matsui, K. Tomoda, N. Nishiyama, Poly(vinyl alcohol) boosting therapeutic potential of p-boronophenylalanine in neutron capture therapy by modulating metabolism. Sci. Adv. 6(4), (2020)